The pandemic wreaked havoc all across the world. Israel based non-profit organizations were especially hit hard by COVID. In a short span of time, many of their biggest givers began to feel financial pressure. As many lost family members and livelihoods, however, something incredible took place: Regular people stepped up to help those in need.
These were not just wealthy donors, but ‘normal’ folks who teamed up by giving what they could. When a large group of people joins together to give a little, amazing things happen. That is how Chesed Today was born. We went live in March of 2022, just 2 years after the start of the pandemic.
We believe in the power of people just like you to make a difference. Make your donations on our platform even more effective by choosing to give on a weekly or monthly basis. Just a little every month goes a long way.
These were not just wealthy donors, but ‘normal’ folks who teamed up by giving what they could. When a large group of people joins together to give a little, amazing things happen. That is how Chesed Today was born. We went live in March of 2022, just 2 years after the start of the pandemic.
We believe in the power of people just like you to make a difference. Make your donations on our platform even more effective by choosing to give on a weekly or monthly basis. Just a little every month goes a long way.