
My Kids Are In Aveilus For Their Beloved Mommy. Our Pain is Unbearable, Please Help Us.

Fund ID: 1356

UPDATE 10/3: I'm writing to you on Erev Rosh Hashanah, our first new year without my wife and mother to our three children, Sara a"h. Please, before Yom Tov - please help me. Help me feed and clothe 3 young orphans who will never celebrate another Yom Tov with their mother again. You should be blessed with only good this coming year. - Amichai Amsalem 


My name is Amichai Amsalem. For 12 months my wife Sara suffered from cancer. It felt like an unending battle: The pain, the vomiting, the many hospitalizations. Sara kept smiling somehow. She didn’t want the kids to worry…Until she couldn’t hide it anymore. Sara has passed away, at the age of 29.

Our oldest is only 6, our youngest is only 2. Their Mommy was their world, and now they are 3 tiny yesomim. We are completely stuck - My income without Sara’s doesn’t come close to covering my family’s needs. I’m desperately trying to figure out how Hashem will help me keep my children alive.

Please, I ask for your support as we grieve a loss that will take an entire lifetime to process. My kids have suffered enough. Please don’t let them suffer any more than they have to.

Thank you.


*Photos have been used for illustration purposes only.

GOAL: $50,000

Raised $4,625
Goal $50,000
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Achisamach / Friends of Keter Torah Inc.
5002 16th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Tax Deductible
Tax ID: 81-3211840
Whether it’s raising money for a yeshiva, or a life-saving surgery, Achisamach devotes itself to helping widows, orphans, and talmidei chachamim all over the world.

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