
URGENT: My Husband Suffered A Brain Hemorrhage. I Am Begging You For Help!!!

Fund ID: 1267


My name is Shevy Rosen. My husband Boruch and I have two beautiful children, BH. We live in Yerushalayim and I am a graphic designer.

Boruch was always a superhero. An amazing Rebbi, and such a great, devoted father, so involved. But last week he was rushed to the hospital when he suffered a brain hemorrhage. Once the absolute foundation of our family, Boruch is now is undergoing critical treatments and needs a life-saving surgery in Australia.

I know that what hurts him most is not being able to be there for the kids. I have taken over the job of running the house, and I am struggling to keep it all afloat myself, while also working. We have many expenses: on top of the regular bills of a family which I am unable to keep up with, Boruch’s life depends this surgery that I can’t afford.

I was orphaned young, losing my father to illness. I know what it means to lose such an important person as a child. My dear Jewish brothers and sisters, I am begging you to help us. Boruch Hashem I have a haskama from Rav Aharon Rabinowitz testifying to our story and the great bracha that comes to everyone who helps. Thank you and Tizku L”Mitzvos!

Shevy Rosen

*Names have been changed to protect privacy.

GOAL: $70,000

Raised $7,847
Goal $70,000
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Whether it’s raising money for a yeshiva, or a life-saving surgery, Achisamach devotes itself to helping widows, orphans, and talmidei chachamim all over the world.

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