“I’m Sari, the oldest in a family of 6. I’m exhausted. I’ve just finished cleaning the kitchen for Pesach. The stovetop is shining, the counters are clean, and the fridge is gleaming. Even without Mommy - who is in the hospital undergoing radiation therapy - I’ve managed to clean the kitchen all by myself. Soon, Tatty will come home with all the groceries that we were able to buy, all thanks to Darchei Miriam.”
Now, before Pesach Darchei Miriam is gearing up for its annual distribution of Kimcha D'Pischa grocery vouchers. Sari and her family are one of over 400 cancer patients who are relying on the funds that they will receive from Darchei Miriam to buy food for Yom Tov.
Their mother may be recovering from surgery, their father may be undergoing chemo, but Darchei Miriam is there to provide them with food for true Simchas Yom Tov.
Each family receives at least 2000 shekel in grocery vouchers to purchase food for Yom Tov (about $555). This is a significant sum that can relieve the financial stress of families battling cancer this Pesach.
Donate $555 to Darchei Miriam’s Kimcha D’Pischa campaign and provide over 400 cancer patients and their families with basic groceries for Yom Tov.
Sari, and so many others like her, are counting on you.