My name is Moshe Dovid, and I’m reaching out to you as my last hope.
I was orphaned at a young age and am completely alone in this world.
I’m not just struggling – I’m drowning. Recently, my health took a turn for the worst. My face is swollen, making it painful to eat and speak due to severe dental issues. On top of that, the agony of intestinal decay torments me daily. The treatments I am in great need of are much beyond my reach, costing 50,000 shekels, an unthinkable amount for me.
I have nothing. Not even the means to afford even the most basic of living necessities. The dreams and hopes for a future and marriage I once had, have slipped away far beyond my reach because of these unbearable illnesses.
Rav Naftali Nussbaum shlita of Romema, has shown me great kindness, by spreading vouching for my real need in his hamlatzah, which I’ve included underneath my letter to you. But beyond that, I’m lost.
Please, I need your help. If you can find it in your hearts to extend a hand to me in this time of great need. Your generosity is my only lifeline.
Moshe Dovid Ehrlich
“In these lines I have come with a request to help the dear bochur Moshe Dovid Ehrlich. He is orphaned from his father and mother, and he has no family or relatives to help him. He is in need of assistance in all areas of his life.
Now he has many expenses, and R’ Yaakov Tzvi Solomon shlita has taken it upon himself to help him, and it is a great mitzvah to give to the orphan and to provide him with generous financial assistance. All those who help is performing this mitzvah of supporting an orphan should be blessed with everything good.
Signing in honor of the great mitzvah,
Naftali Nussbaum”