
HIS LIFE IS IN DANGER: Please Help Save My Husband’s Life!! (Haskama From Rav Yehoshua Karelitz Shlitta)

Fund ID: 1367

UPDATE 11/10: I couldn’t sleep last night. Every day brings us closer to the unthinkable. Please have mercy on my children, who need their father, and Hashem in return should have mercy on yours, with everything that they need and more!

Hello, my name is Mrs. Elmaliach,

No one thinks it will happen to them until it does. My amazing husband is ill with the dreaded disease, cancer. His condition has deteriorated and there is immediate danger to his life.

We’ve fought for his life since he was diagnosed, but I don’t have strength anymore. The financial burden is crushing me: I have no way to pay for the thousands of Shekel it costs daily to help my husband fight his cancer.

I’m begging you as a wife and mother to help us before it’s too late. We can’t pay for his care alone, and without it, he doesn’t have much hope. We desperately need your help to keep his treatment going until he makes a full recovery.

We’ve fought for so long - please don’t let us give up on his life now! Please give my children their father! Without help, I don’t even want to think about what the future holds for our family.

Thank you for reading,
Mrs. Elmaliach


“To Acheinu Bnei Yisrael,

The family of Rabbi Elmaliach is in need of urgent assistance, as their father is ill with the dreaded disease, lo aleinu. His condition has deteriorated and there is immediate danger to his life.

His family is collapsing under the burden in their battle to save his life - with expenses of thousands of shekel daily. They have reached a situation where they are unable to continue without help and assistance.

I am begging you: please come to the aid of this family with a generous hand and a giving spirit. Help them as much as you are able! In the merit of the mitzvah of charity you should see your own personal salvation.

May we merit the Redemption and only good news,
Rabbi Yehoshua Karelitz”

For further information about the Elmaliach family please call Rabbi Yehoshua Karelitz (Hebrew speaker) at +972-55-687-4855. Photos have been used for illustration purposes only.

GOAL: $75,000

Raised $5,223
Goal $75,000
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Achisamach / Friends of Keter Torah Inc.
5002 16th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11204
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Tax ID: 81-3211840
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