
HOME FRONT FUND: My husband’s gone to battle leaving me and my child at home. Please help women like me manage on half an income!

Fund ID: 1350

Hello, my name is Yael.

My husband was drafted back into the army for the third time since October 7.
He didn’t think of refusing – even though I’m in my eighth month of pregnancy and we have a 3-year-old child, and it breaks his heart to leave us.

Our country needs us, so we do it.

But now I have no one who will notice when I’m tired and take over dinner.
No one to comfort me as my mind takes me to terrifying places every night.
No one to help me when my kid is screaming and the phone is ringing and the onions are burning and Shabbat is starting in one hour.

When my husband was first drafted for 70 days, I had to leave work to be at home with the child, leaving me in an impossible situation. I’m trying to run my house on half an income, and honestly, I’m not managing.

My lifeline right now is the grocery vouchers I get from Shomrei Yisroel. Without it, we’d be living on bread and peanut butter. It allows me to pay for essentials and buy ready-made meals that help me breathe a little easier as I get through my pregnancy.

Hundreds of wives like me need these vouchers, and Shomrei Yisroel depends on donors to keep the initiative going.

Please help more of these heroic women receive vouchers. It’s the one thing they desperately need, but are too embarrassed to ask for. One more family sponsored means one less expense on the shoulders of an overwhelmed mother and terrified wife.

Hoping and praying for the end of this war,


GOAL: $100,000

Raised $2,393
Goal $100,000
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Shomrei Yisroel facilitated by Tzedaka V'Chesed
Tzedaka v'chesed is a company that facilitates fundraising in the United States for private fundraisers in Eretz Yisroel.

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