UPDATE 9/10: In less than a week, 8 fresh yesomim and a new almanah will be facing their first Yom Tov on their own, without their father. Please let them know that they are not alone this Tishrei and help the Koritz family with the enormous expenses of Yom Tov.
It should be a huge zechus for you ahead of the Yom Hadin.
UPDATE 9/4: The Koritz family has lost not just a father, but their primary breadwinner, and the road ahead for them is fraught with unimaginable challenges. Please help Rebbetzin Koritz raise her orphaned children in a future now filled with unknown. Thank you and tizku l’mitzvos!
Several months ago, Rav Yaakov Koritz had a serious heart attack. The doctors said it looked like he was going to make it.
But his organs started failing one by one.
He tried his hardest to stay strong for his beloved family. When his condition was deteriorating, the Lelover Rebbe shlita came to visit him in the hospital. They sang niggunim of hisorerus for over an hour together to stay strong in emunah and bitachon.
But it was not meant to be. On the 26th of Av, while his children were visiting him in the hospital, the 47-year-old tzaddik passed away.
In the weeks preceding his death, the holy R’ Koritz somehow knew that his time was coming. During his time in the hospital he wrote letters to his family for them to open after his death. Below is a letter to one of his sons:
To my dear and beloved Elimelech, It should be Hashem’s will that you are successful in your Torah learning and rise higher and higher with new strength. Mommy and I should merit to have much nachas d’kedusha from you. With Hashem’s help you should soon find your proper zivug.
With love,
Rav Koritz leaves behind 8 children and a young Rebbetzin mother who is now completely at a loss as to how to do it all alone. They need us. They need you. Please, please donate generously here to help cover their basic expenses as they recover from this tremendous loss.
A note from the Vaad HaRabbanim: Donations can also be made to Vaad Harabanim Fund #6718 by phone at 1877-722-2646 or by mailing a check to Vaad Harabanim 221 Regent Drive Lakewood, NJ 087014