
7 Orphans Never Had A Chance To Say Goodbye

Fund ID: 1348

Hello, my name is David Malul. I have seven children: Shira (14), Moshe, Yaakov, Yishai, Itamar, Meir, and Gila - who is only 5 years old.

UPDATE 1/9: School starts this week. Shira is starting high-school, Gila is going into first grade. And my wife Rut a”h is not with us to celebrate new milestones or to calm everyone’s nerves. I can’t make heads or tails of the school supply lists, much less come up with the cash to pay for school supplies or uniforms for all 7 kids. I’m trying to give my children a normal life, so they can forget at school that they are orphans, but the expenses are just beyond my abilities. Please help me provide for them, even though their mother is gone. I can’t ever thank you enough - David Malul

We just lost our wife and mother, Rut, to cancer.

Our children never knew that Rut was battling cancer in secret for the past 3 years. She so much wanted to protect them from the bad news, to give them a happy, normal childhood. Rut succeeded: she was a loving mother and a dedicated kindergarten teacher in nearby Bat Yam.

3 months ago Rut’s health took a turn for the worst. She couldn’t travel to work anymore and she stayed home most of the day. But our kids never suspected anything - she always had a smile on her face.

A week before she passed away the doctors said that her time would come soon. We planned together that she would tell our children, break the news to them gently somehow, and say goodbye.

It was not to be.

Only 2 days later Rut collapsed, remaining unconscious until her death only a few days later. I was with her in the hospital on Shabbos. The next night I had to do the hardest thing I’ve ever done: tell my 7 young children that their mother won’t be coming home.

Now we’re left trying to pick up the pieces. I’m on my own raising 7 children who are still in shock. They have never known life without Ima, Ima who took care of our every need. I am doing my best to be both father and mother to them, but there are so many expenses that I just don’t know how I will manage to pay for on my own.

Please help 7 orphans who have nowhere else to turn.

I can’t thank you enough.

David Malul

GOAL: $250,000

Raised $17,238
Goal $250,000
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