
We’re About To Be Evicted With 7 Kids - Please Help Us Keep Our Home!

Fund ID: 1334

URGENT UPDATE 6/30: We need to pay rent tomorrow. I am growing more and more desperate. Please help us keep a roof over our heads, so we won’t be out on the streets with 7 children.

URGENT UPDATE 6/27: In only 4 days is the first of the month. We have to pay the rent we owe on Monday or we’ll be immediately evicted. We don’t have the money to pay and I’m petrified that Sunday night is the last time we’ll sleep in our beds in our home. Please, help us with whatever you can. I’ll be forever grateful. Frumy


Wow, I never imagined that I would be in a position to ask others for money, I would even have laughed at the thought. But our situation now is no laughing matter. My name is Frumy Moskowitz*.

I live with my husband and 7 children in Yerushalayim. For years, my husband has been able to support our family, and even help so many others. Suddenly our source of income disappeared overnight. A family of 7 children with no parnassah, no way to keep the lights on, or even pay for food at the local grocery. We are in danger of losing the very roof over our heads.

My husband had a heart attack from the stress of it all. He still is not back to himself, leaving the financial burden entirely on my shoulders.

Devastation is not even the word: A husband in the hospital. Not a penny left to our name. The bank threatening to evict us from our home. It’s all too much…It is deeply humbling to ask, but right now, Klal Yisroel we need your help. Please, help us avoid the utter devastation of an eviction.

This campaign has a hamlatzah from R’ Schlossberg shlita. We used to support his kollel, and now… we desperately need your help to keep our 7 children in the home they grew up in.

I don’t know how to thank you. Hashem should repay you with only shefa and hatzlocha,
Frumy Moskowitz


“I have come to recommend Hagaon Harav Moskowitz* shlita,
I know him well. For years he has toiled in Torah and has been of great assistance to others. Now the tables have turned, he is deeply in debt and it is a great mitzvah to support him. All those who help him should merit the blessings of Heaven above, and all the brachos written in the Torah.


Rav Shmuel Schlossberg shlita
Rosh Kollel “Beis Hillel”
Minchas Yitzchak, Yerushalayim”

GOAL: $60,000

Raised $12,681
Goal $60,000
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