
(IMPORTANT UPDATE!!!) I Am Engaged, But My Parents Have Had No Savings Since My Brother Became Sick. Please Help Me Get Married And Build A Happy Home.

Fund ID: 2607
UPDATE 11/17: Boruch Hashem we pulled off a wedding! We still are in need of a lot of help to buy basic furnishing and appliances so please please open your hearts and donate!! Thank you so so much, so much, Hashem should bless you and your families with beautiful simchas!!!


I’m Chani and I Boruch Hashem got engaged two months ago to a wonderful guy.

But I’m not like most Kallahs…

My parents have been overseas with my 9-year-old brother Shimon who is undergoing difficult treatments for a serious heart problem. After all of Shimon’s important medical expenses, my parents have drained literally all their resources. I have no one to help me get married.

Please, if you could donate your maaser money towards my wedding, it would make such a difference to a struggling Kallah knowing that someone out there is looking out for me. Please help me make a modest wedding and buy basic furnishing and appliances for my apartment so my chosson and I can live a happy life together. Without you, I don’t know what we’ll do.

Hashem should see your kindness and repay you with wherever you need a yeshuah. Thank you so, so much,


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