Hi, my name is Rivka. I work as a secretary and my husband works as a plumber. We Baruch Hashem have a baby girl, Libi. Libi has leukemia. We do our best to keep up with our jobs together with taking her to her appointments, but we can’t work enough hours to keep our family afloat. A cab ride to the hospital or a pizza ordered for dinner after a long day of treatments is more than we can handle.
We went to Rav Elbaz because we were told that he may be able to help. Money is being raised here for us and for other families like us, who are mamash struggling to survive.
Please, if you have a roof over your head and food in your kitchen, give what you can to help those of us who don’t. And G-d willing you should always be on the side of the giver, and not the beggar.
Thank you
Rivka Froewein*
*Details changed to protect the families’ privacy