UPDATE 08/10: We have only 1 day left to reach our goal!!! I am begging of you, with tears streaming down my cheeks, my children need their father. Please, please have rachmanus on us and help bring my husband home. We can’t do this without you!!!
UPDATE 08/07: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the incredible outpouring of support!!! The hearing has been pushed off one final time to August 11th. This Friday, Shmuli will BEZ’’H be able to walk free and come back home to our family, if only we can reach our goal in time. Right now, every second precious matters. Please, I am begging you, to spread the word, to call family and friends. Please help bring my husband and the father of my young children home before time runs out!!!
Dear Klal Yisroel,
You may have heard on the news of a man from Bnei Brak who was arrested in Poland on tax evasion charges. If you have read the story, you also know that this man is innocent, and that he didn’t know that his identity had been stolen.
I am his wife.
Shmuli* is only 49 years old, and we have 6 kids. Our youngest is only three. The prison where he is being kept is horrific. His health and spirit is deteriorating rapidly. They are keeping my husband in a horrible, horrible place, surrounded by violent criminals. They know he is Israeli & Jewish and they hate him for it.
We are just a regular family - we never thought anything like this could ever happen to us. At home, our kids are not handling it well. Also, Shmuli is the mean breadwinner for our family. I am cracking under the strain.
Now the window is closing - We need to raise $90,000 to pay legal fees and fines to get him released. His hearing has been pushed off to August 11th, this Friday. If you are reading this I beg you to understand, we have no hope without your help. Please help us bring my husband home.
The reward and bracha you will receive for helping is unimaginable. Hashem listens to the tefillah of the broken hearted and I daven that Hashem grant you wealth in abundance, health and nachas from your kids.
Thank you.
*Name has been changed for privacy purposes