
I’m a father of 14, and I need life-saving transplant surgery! [Endorsed by Gedolei Yisroel]

Fund ID: 1349

My name is Refoel Chai,

I used to be a healthy father of 14 and a bus driver. At a routine health checkup last year, my doctor sent me for further testing. The results were devastating: I have a rare form of kidney disease that requires an unusually complicated kidney transplant surgery.

This surgery is not available in Israel. The total cost of travel, expenses, and the surgery itself is $350,000. We don’t have that kind of money and my life is in greater danger with each passing day. My leg was also amputated, and since then I have been out of a job. I can't drive a bus with only one leg.

All of the Gedolim in the video above heard my story and vouched for my need, and then they gave warm, heartfelt brachos to anyone who would help me. Rav Shimon Galai shlita blessed all donors with abundance, health, nachas, shalom bayis, and shidduchim.

Please let me live! I have a wife and 14 children who desperately need me. Please help me cover the cost of this surgery - without it, my future is frightening.

Thank you from the depths of my heart,

Refoel Chai ben Mazal

Endorsement from Gedolei Yisroel: (Scroll down for translation)

I am searching for my brothers to support and strengthen the hands of the weak. Even during these challenging times there are those who encounter even greater difficulty, and need to be saved from collapse.

I have seen the hamlatzahs that the respected Rabbanim shlita have written, to come and help R’ Refael Chai from Yerushalayim. He is the father of a large family who has been taken ill with a serious illness, lo aleinu. He is in need of an urgent transplant out of state and the expenses are enormous. He is unable to pay [for the transplant surgery] and is now in a difficult financial situation.

Fortunate is the person who assists him with a giving hand and a generous spirit. It is like a korban Mincha - sweet before Hashem. Hashem will have mercy on all those who have compassion for His creations.
Fortunate is the one who gives to the needy, on a bad day Hashem will save him.

Rav Shlomo Moshe Amar shlita
Rishon Lezion
Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim

Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita
Rav Moshe Tzadka shlita
Rav Meir Mazouz shlita
Rav Masoud ben Shimon shlita
Rav Dovid Cohen shlita
Rav Shimon Galai shlita

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Brooklyn, NY 11204
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