Yehudim yakarim,
This year, we had a desperate need. The amount of casualties overwhelmed our communities, and one by one families didn’t even have the logistical supplies to sit shivah.
And so we began our effort to help provide families plunged into mourning with everything they need: Chairs for mourners, benches for visitors, a portable aron kodesh, a sefer Torah, and more.
Right now, the gmach is overwhelmed and many families are being declined simply because we cannot keep up with the demand. Without your help, many families may not have the resources they need to properly honor their loved ones. We will have no choice but to turn them away.
This is more than just a logistical issue—it’s about providing a space for grief.
RACHMANIM B’NEI RACHMANIM, we need your help.
In the merit of supporting those whose families were taken as a karbon, Hashem should bless your family with health and long life, and continue to give you abundant parnassah to help those in need.
Tizku l’mitzvos and may Hashem help us