UPDATE 5/9: Boruch Hashem we pulled off a wedding - thanks to all of you! We still are in need of a lot of help to buy basic furnishing and appliance, so please please open your hearts and donate!! The picture above is me, before I walk down to the chuppah, davening for all those who made my marriage possible. Thank you so so much, so much, Hashem should bless you and your families with beautiful simchas!!!
UPDATE 4/9: My wedding is today. Just before sunset, as I stand under the chuppah I will personally daven for all those who have donated to help me start my married life. I’m trying to concentrate on this holiest of days: I’m fasting and today is like Yom Kippur for me and my soon-to-be husband, but I keep getting distracted by worries about money - will we have the money to pay for the hall, the catering and everything else by the end of tonight? Please, help me walk down to the chuppah with dignity and peace of mind. I can never thank you enough. - Shulamit
UPDATE 3/9: My wedding is tomorrow. With 36 hours left until I walk down the aisle I am terrified. I just don’t have the money to pay for the hall. Please, please help me in the last few hours before my wedding!! Until the last minute I won’t be sure if this wedding will happen at all.
UPDATE 2/9: 3 days left until I stand under the chuppah. Please, help me raise the money that I need to walk down to the chuppah with peace of mind. It’s only $20,000 but it’s way beyond my reach. Thank you so much.
UPDATE 1/9: There are only 4 days left until my wedding. This is so exciting, but so stressful at the same time. I still have no way to actually pay for the wedding expenses or rent for the first month for our apartment. Please, if you could find it in your heart to help me start a new life with my chassan - I would be so, so grateful. - Shulamit
I’m Shulamit, and I’m no stranger to challenges.
Growing up, we were kicked out of 10 different homes due to our inability to pay rent. After my parents separated, I moved to a dormitory for girls, desperate for some stability in my life.
It was there that I went for therapy, and I turned myself around.
After going through all that, I’m so grateful to be engaged right now. This is my chance to start a healthy happy home together with my Chosson.
But my wedding is drawing closer and nothing is booked or planned - because I can’t pay the deposit. My father is unwell, and my mother is stretched thin raising 11 kids, including ones with special needs. I can’t depend on my parents for financial help, and I simply don’t have the funds myself.
With the endorsement of HaRav Yosef Yekusiel Efrati (the well-known Talmid of R’ Elyashiv ztz”l, founder of the Efrati Hechsher), who knows me personally, and with the help of R’ Yechezkel Turchin of our Kupat Hatzedaka of our neighborhood, I’m turning to you for help.
I desperately need help with paying for my wedding, so I can start my new life with dignity. I don’t need anything fancy, but even a basic wedding can’t happen without your help. All donations will go towards paying for a basic hall, a simple meal to serve our guests, and some music.
My wedding is in 2 weeks, on Rosh Chodesh Elul Be”H, and we don’t have any time to spare. Please help me prepare for my wedding in time! Every donation means the world to me - it’s another guest I can invite and another crucial wedding purchase I can make.
With endless Hakaras Hatov,
Shulamit received a personal endorsement from HaRav Yosef Yekusiel Efrati, the well-known Talmid of R’ Elyashiv ztz”l, founder of the Efrati Hechsher. Scroll down for the translated version.
Tammuz 5784
Mrs. ______ daughter is now engaged, and the destitute family has almost nothing that is needed for the most basic wedding. All the expenses must be covered by the mother alone; the divorced father is unable to contribute even the smallest amount. She survives day to day and raises her children, among them children with special needs, and the difficulties are too numerous to count.
I beg of you, those who chase after charity and kindness, to stand at her side for the great mitzvah of Hachnosas Kallah, and those who give to the poor will find blessing from the Source of all blessing.
The date of the wedding has been set for Rosh Chodesh Elul, and they are unable to make any deposits or reserve even the most basic necessities. Please, hurry to fulfill the mitzvah.
Yosef Yekusiel Efrati
P.S. As they live in the Arzei Habira neighborhood I know them personally.