
I can’t keep my son alive anymore! Please help give 10-year-old Yoel the cancer treatment his life depends on.

Fund ID: 1353

UPDATE 09/09: Every night, I pray for a miracle—that Yoel will wake up healthy again. Please, don’t let me live with the knowledge that I could have tried harder, that I could have done anything more to save my son. I am begging of you with all of my heart, please help me before time runs out on Yoel. Thank you in advance for your kindness and Hashem should repay you in kind!!!!!

Hi, I’m Odel, from Givat Zeev, Jerusalem.

I’m a single mom of 2 kids. Since my divorce 3 years ago, my children’s father hasn’t been in touch – financially or emotionally. It’s been tough, but I had no idea that it was only going to get harder.

A year and a half ago, my 10-year-old son Yoel was diagnosed with brain cancer.

It’s been 1 and a half years of pure overwhelm, caring for Yoel and my 7-year-old daughter alone. I stay strong for my kids all day, then sob in my pillow at night. Then it’s another endless day of mommying, treatment, appointments, dinner, laundry, and work.

But despite all the effort I put in, I can’t keep my son alive anymore.

As a freelance graphic designer, I’ve been taking on fewer projects since his diagnosis. I now have no more income, leaving me with no way to pay for treatment.

Yoel is depending on me, and I have nothing to give him. My bills add up to over $100,000 – medical treatment, and household expenses including rent, food, and electricity.

Yoel is hooked up on all kinds of machines, and without treatment, his future is terrifying. Please help me give my 10-year-old the cancer treatment his life depends on!

With endless gratitude,

Givat Zeev, Jerusalem

GOAL: $100,000

Raised $13,605
Goal $100,000
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Achisamach / Friends of Keter Torah Inc.
5002 16th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11204
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Tax ID: 81-3211840
Whether it’s raising money for a yeshiva, or a life-saving surgery, Achisamach devotes itself to helping widows, orphans, and talmidei chachamim all over the world.

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