
Making a Difference in the Lives of the Forgotten: Zichron Moshe Needs Your Support!

Fund ID: 2901

The participants of a late Maariv file out the door of Zichron Moshe shtieblach. The last one left in the room is a teenager who pulls up a shtender and puts his head down. His stomach growls, and he has nowhere to sleep that night – a difficult family situation has left him with no home to return to. Suddenly, he feels a tap on his shoulder and he lifts his head up.

It’s Rav Pinchos Gutfarb, the long-time gabbai. “Tzaddik, are you hungry? Do you need a place to sleep?”

This scene repeats every day.

Rabbi Pinchos Gutfarb is the founder of the Zichron Moshe non-profit organization, which grew out of his own personal hachnosas orchim initiative that started over 25 years ago.

The objective of Zichron Moshe is to provide food and emergency shelter to Jews in Yerushalayim who are dealing with a crisis. Rabbi Gutfarb rents apartments across the Zichron Moshe neighborhood, and supplies fresh, hot meals daily. On Shabbos, they host a communal Shabbaton with between 40-50 participants weekly.

Zichron Moshe tries to assist those who turn to them for help return to their homes and stable family lives as soon as possible.

Now Zichron Moshe is looking to expand their supply of emergency shelters, and rent an additional apartment in the Zichron Moshe neighborhood. With your help Zichron Moshe will provide shelter to those who truly need it.

GOAL: $20,000

Raised $8,262
Goal $20,000
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