
Help Struggling Orphans Get Married This Summer, And Receive The Rabbanim's Blessing For Simchas, Parnassah, & Health

Fund ID: 6565

“I never knew my mother, she died when I was only a baby. Tatty was the one who raised me all on his own. He was the person I relied on most in the world. Just 4 months ago, Tatty was niftar - only two weeks after I got engaged! Now, I am getting married with no way to afford a wedding or anything for married life. I feel so alone and helpless.” - Shaindy

Shaindy is one of 73 orphans getting married this summer, who have turned to Vaad Harabanim desperate for financial assistance to get married. A letter from the rabbanim:

Sivan 5783

The stories of 73 orphan weddings who are about to get married without anything have come before us.

Therefore we asked from Vaad Harabanim L’Inyanei Tzedakah in Eretz Yisroel to start a fund for the necessary marriage expenses, and it’s a great mitzvah to make these broken hearts happy on the day of their wedding. We request of each person to participate with a generous eye in the marriage of these orphans.

It should be His will that you merit nachas from all your descendants, and your sons should succeed in yeshiva to grow in Torah and fear of Heaven. They should be saved from any sorrows and illness. You should make a simcha in your home soon with plentiful parnassah easily.

Harav Dov Landau shlita
Harav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi shlita
Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita
Harav Dovid Cohen shlita

Right now, young brides & grooms who have lost their parents are struggling to get married. No one knows how badly they need assistance more than the rabbanim they go to for help. Donate here and receive these huge rabbanim’s brachos for health, nachas, parnassah, and marrying off your own children.

They’re walking to their chuppahs alone, but you have the chance to escort them.

Donations can also be made to Vaad Harabanim Fund #6565 by phone at 1877-722-2646 or by mailing a check to Vaad Harabanim 221 Regent Drive Lakewood, NJ 08701

GOAL: $73,000

Raised $5,836
Goal $73,000
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Vaad Harabanim L'Inyanei Tzeduka
221 Regent Drive
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Tax Deductible
Tax ID: 37-1456890
Founded in 1992 under the leadership of Harav Hagaon Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach zt”l and Harav Hagaon Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l, Vaad Harabanim L'Inyanei Tzedaka B'Eretz Hakodesh based on the following principles: Firstly, Klal Yisrael needs a reliable address for sending their tzedakah money. They should know that all their donations, down to the last cent, are managed faithfully and strictly according to Halachah. No less important is the second principle, that the needy must have somewhere to turn when a crisis strikes. Over three decades later, Vaad Harabanim continues to function with the guidance of the Gedolei Hador and in accordance with its founding principles.

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