“My mother was killed in a car accident on the way to my vort. We lost my Dad to cancer when I was little. Now it’s on me to be the mother of the family. I know my Mom would have wanted me to continue with the wedding, but how can I? I can’t afford to make even a simple simcha.” - Tzivi, 21*
Right now, there are 78 orphans like Tzivi with tragic stories of losing their parents, who have turned to Vaad HaRabbanim for help. Renowned talmid chacham Rav Moshe Shternbuch shlit”a makes his personal request on their behalf:
“I ask from everyone to be a partner in the great mitzvah of marrying of 78 orphans together with Vaad Harabanim and donate the amount of 780.
All those who donate towards the marriage of these 78 orphans should merit Divine protection, and to be saved from all troubles, sickness and harsh decrees.
They should also merit good children, and to raise them to Torah, and to the chuppah with nachas, health and abundant parnassah.
They should celebrate a simchah in their homes and be saved in whatever they need.
Harav Moshe Shternbuch shlita”
Join Rav Shternbuch in supporting these orphans during their time of need. Donations go toward wedding basics like a simple hall, a wedding gown, a ring, and setting up a home with furnishings and appliances for after the wedding. Help is desperately needed!!
*Details changed to protect the orphans’ privacy
Donations can also be made to Vaad Harabanim Fund # 6755 by phone at 1877-722-2646 or by mailing a check to Vaad Harabanim 221 Regent Drive Lakewood, NJ 08701