
I Am A Single Mother Of Eight Kids And They Don’t Have The Things They Need. All I Want Is To Protect My Kids– Please Help Us.

Fund ID: 1310


My name is Rochel Blau and I’m the mother of eight gorgeous children. We live in a tiny apartment in Eretz Yisroel.

Even though I work overtime as a cleaning lady, it’s very hard to pay for basic family expenses like groceries and rent on just one income, with no child support… It all came crashing down on me when my sweet girls were kicked out of their school because we can’t pay tuition. That is how bad it has gotten. Then, our electricity was shut off because we couldn’t pay the bill. We sat in darkness and fear tore me apart: How am I going to make this work?

This is the scariest thing I’ve faced ever since becoming a single mother. I’m trying so hard not to let my kids see how worried I am but it’s becoming impossible. We have no one in the entire world to turn to. All I want, all I live for, is to protect my kids. Please help us raise enough funds in time so that they can have what they need. My kids have already been through so much in their young impressionable years…Please don’t let them go through this as well.

Hashem should bless you and your families with only Brachos and simcha. Thank you so much for saving us,

Rochel Blau

GOAL: $70,000

Raised $34,731
Goal $70,000
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