
“SMALL CHILDREN HAVE BEEN FORCED TO RUN”: Join The Rabbanim In Saving The Ofakim Community From Devastation

Fund ID: 6204

An urgent request from the Gedolei Yisroel [ORIGINAL HEBREW BELOW]:

“9 Cheshvan 5784

The cries of our brothers Bnei Yisroel who are on the run from the horrors of war in Eretz Yisroel have come before us. They have tears on their cheeks, and the sword is killing in the streets.
Entire families with small children have been forced to run from their hometowns with nothing. They are in desperate need of support and assistance for food and clothing, and other expenses including medical expenses.

Therefore, we have come with a request to our brothers Am Yisroel who are merciful to open their hearts at this difficult hour, and to see the great pain of those who live in Israel’s South, and donate generously.

Whoever gives $520 and adopts a family should be doubly and triply blessed.
The act of giving tzedaka can save from harsh decrees, and turn the attribute of Judgement into the attribute of Mercy. You should merit to see the Redeemer come to Tzion speedily in our days.

Rav Ezriel Auerbach shlita
Rav Naftoli Nussbaum shlita
Rav Reuven Elbaz shlita
Rav Chaim Feinstein shlita
Rav Meir Sirota shlita”

Tizku l’mitzvot

A message from Vaad Harabanim: The Rabbonim request donations of $540 to be able to give the families the support and funding they need. Donations can also be made to Vaad Harabanim Fund # 6204 by phone at 1877-722-2646 or by mailing a check to Vaad Harabanim 221 Regent Drive Lakewood, NJ 08701

GOAL: $120,000

Raised $104,331
Goal $120,000
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Founded in 1992 under the leadership of Harav Hagaon Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach zt”l and Harav Hagaon Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l, Vaad Harabanim L'Inyanei Tzedaka B'Eretz Hakodesh based on the following principles: Firstly, Klal Yisrael needs a reliable address for sending their tzedakah money. They should know that all their donations, down to the last cent, are managed faithfully and strictly according to Halachah. No less important is the second principle, that the needy must have somewhere to turn when a crisis strikes. Over three decades later, Vaad Harabanim continues to function with the guidance of the Gedolei Hador and in accordance with its founding principles.

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