
Please Find It In Your Hearts To Help Us Give Our Baby Girl The Surgery She Needs To Survive! Sara Is Relying On You!

Fund ID: 1268


My name is Hadassah Miller. Sara, our smiley precious baby was born with a severe deformity in her lips, mouth and palate. Sara isn’t able to eat properly and is losing a dangerous amount of weight. She barely sleeps from the pain and hunger and her life is constantly at risk.

It’s been a non-stop rollercoaster, and Sara urgently needs 3 surgeries overseas to be able to eat and survive. The Amshinover Rebbe shlita instructed us to fly there at any cost. Thanks to tzedakah Sara has undergone the first two surgeries successfully, but there is now one more surgery that she needs to survive. Without it, the consequences could be tragic.

We have always lived simply and don’t have any extra. Please, please, help us climb this mountain of expenses and save our precious girl!

In the merit of saving our precious girl, Hashem should bless you with health, parnassah, nachas, hatzlocha, and bracha.

Thank you,

The Millers

GOAL: $175,000

Raised $15,466
Goal $175,000
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