Hi, I’m Moti Fried,
I’m a regular guy like you, but together with my Saad V’marpeh team I’ve been out on the battlefield and I saw crazy things.
Injured soldiers at risk -
Injured soldiers become the enemy's easiest target. We’ve done hundreds of transportation to prevent injured soldiers from getting killed or becoming crippled for life.
Fighting soldiers turned hospital patients -
I keep seeing this - the visitors and fresh food give them life. I’ve been doing hospital visits and serving fresh meals so that these heroic soldiers will get out on the battlefield again.
The long-life army rations -
The soldiers are all desperate for normal meals. We served hundreds meals, and hundreds care packages, and we see it on the soldiers' faces - they get that energizing after-the-shower feeling from a piping-hot meal.
Our funds are running out, but I know how much these soldiers need it, so I'm turning to you. Donate here to fund the transportation, food, and fuel - because the soldiers can’t keep going like this.
Tizku L’mitzvos,
Moti Fried