
LOW MORALE IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN WE THINK: Our soldiers are relying on us to keep their spirits strong!

Fund ID: 1293

We’re here at the army base, and the situation is tough. The war is dragging on, we keep finding more dangers, and it’s almost impossible to keep the morale up.

That’s why we’re so grateful to Simcha Lchayalim for bringing nightly BBQs to army bases. There’s always spirited singing, good vibes, and more meat than you’ve ever seen on one table. They serve trays and trays of different types of sausages, schnitzel, deli roll, a huge spread of salads, coke, and the set tables.

We’ve seen this before and we can’t let it happen again – low spirits in the army bases can cause death across the country. For the sake of Israel, we need these events to keep our spirits strong and help us press on with our urgent missions.

These nightly events cost a lot; the food, the fuel to get to the bases, and the supplies for the BBQs. Here’s your chance to protect Israel: Donate here today to feed a hungry and battle-weary soldier tomorrow.

GOAL: $80,000

Raised $7,701
Goal $80,000
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