
Please Help Me Save Chaim’s Life

Fund ID: 1026
UPDATE 02/05: I am shaking as I write this. The doctors told us this morning that Chaim’s days are numbered. My sweet, sweet bechor...I can barely believe that I am writing these words. We just need a few thousand more, and he can have the surgery he needs to live. Please do what you can to help us save Chaim’s life!

Dear Friends and Family,

My name is Shmuel and I am a married father of six beautiful children, living in Eretz Yisroel. My oldest son, Chaim Mordechai, has a growth in his brainstem which needs to be removed immediately.

I have been working hard in a Yeshiva in Jerusalem, trying to make ends meet, but the medical bills are too much for us to bear. One of our children has down’s syndrome and another has diabetes and we have had very limited resources, we are in a very tight financial situation and cannot afford the treatment costs. It is so difficult to see my son in pain and to be unable to help him.

My son, my bechor, is my life, and I want to do everything I can to make sure he can live a full and happy life. I know in my heart that he can go so very far in life, if he can only survive this. Heaven knows I would trade places with him in an instant if I could. I ask you, I beg of you, to please help us reach our goal to save Chaim’s life beezras Hashem. And please, please daven for Chaim Mordechai Ben Sigalit.

Thank you so much for any help you can provide,

Shmuel Wax

Hashem should repay you one-thousand fold.

*Photo has been used for illustrative purposes only

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Whether it’s raising money for a yeshiva, or a life-saving surgery, Achisamach devotes itself to helping widows, orphans, and talmidei chachamim all over the world.

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