
PIKUACH NEFESH: Please save our precious son’s life. He’s only thirteen!!!!

Fund ID: 1207

UPDATE 27/03: Please daven for Eliyahu Ben Chana Leah! Thank you to everyone who has helped us raise over $18,000 but Eliyahu’s life is still in danger. Please help us reach our goal.

Dear Friends,

Our youngest son Eliyahu, who just celebrated his Bar Mitzvah six months ago, has been diagnosed with a life-threatening form of childhood cancer. Our family is in shock and struggling to cope with this devastating news. Eliyahu is a brave and resilient 13-year-old, but even he can’t hide his anguish.

Every day we watch our son, our hope, our joy, slipping further away. We are living in a tiny apartment with our large family, and have none of the resources needed to cover the cost of Eliyahu’s medical treatments. We are begging for your help. Please donate whatever you can to give Eliyahu a proper chance.

If it were your child, wouldn’t you do anything to save them?

Your kindness should be repaid many times over.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

Chaim and Chana Leah Yakobi

Please daven for Eliyahu Ben Chana Leah!

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Tzedaka v'chesed is a company that facilitates fundraising in the United States for private fundraisers in Eretz Yisroel.

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