My name is Shiffy. I am 42 and the mother to 7 cuties. For an entire year I have not been at home and I miss them so much. I’m hospitalized in Tel Hashomer and have all their pictures up on the wall. I want to be their mother again, to go home.
This all started last winter, I began to feel very weak and had a hard time even standing up on my own. I stopped taking sheitels for wash and sets, and I was very pale. My doctor sent me for some bloodwork and the results stopped my life in its tracks: I had cancer, and was immediately hospitalized in the oncological ward for treatment.
I checked in with a small bag with just the bare essentials, I didn’t realize then that I would still be here months later. Chemotherapy, radiation, constant pain, losing my hair – I’ve experienced it all, but the worst is the crushing fear that my children will be left without their mother. Without someone to take care of them and love them as only a mother can.
My children are suffering without me. My husband has cut down on his hours as a Rebbi to be with them when they come home, serve a simple dinner and tuck them in at night. He tries to hide our desperate financial situation from me but I can tell that we are barely surviving.
We need money for food, for rent and electricity bills. My heart is broken that I can’t be there for my children. I am trying to do the most I can – writing to you from my hospital bed and begging you to help my family while I do my best to return to them as a healthy mother.
We are lucky that Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita knows our family well, and has given a special video message to Klal Yisroel on our behalf.
“My dear brothers, the holy Am Yisroel. I am turning to you with a very serious situation, they need a huge refuah shleimah for a woman who is undergoing difficult treatment. Her husband used to eat at Rav Elyashiv’s table, Rav Elyashiv ztz”l respected him very much. He is very dedicated to his wife, and they have many children. This is true Pikuach Nefesh.
“Lucky is the person who gives to the poor man, Hashem will save him from bad days.” He is a poor man! His wife is sick and needs many treatments, and they have many children. I have known him for many years and he is a very fine person. Several of his children are also in need of treatments. It’s worth your while to grab this mitzvah! Lucky is the person who will help him!
Donations can also be made to Vaad Harabanim Fund # 6552 by phone at 1877-722-2646 or by mailing a check to Vaad Harabanim 221 Regent Drive Lakewood, NJ 08701